One of the most common issues after an auto accident is back pain. The sudden force of impact can strain the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your back and neck. Even minor collisions can lead to painful inflammation or more serious injuries to your spine and supporting structures.

If you experience back pain after a car crash, help is available. Seeking chiropractic care from a chiropractor near you can help identify any underlying injuries and provide holistic treatment to potentially help relieve your discomfort. If you are looking for natural and holistic recovery care, contact our team at Advanced Chiropractic in Klamath Falls, OR, for expertise in treating back injuries stemming from auto accidents. Read on to learn more about back pain causes and treatments.

Back Pain Causes from Car Accidents

Here are some ways you could get back pain after an auto accident:

  • Whiplash - The abrupt back-and-forth jolting of your body can overstretch the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your neck and upper back. This whiplash effect is a common cause of pain between your shoulder blades or neck stiffness after a collision.
  • Herniated Discs - The force of impact can cause the discs between your vertebrae to rupture or herniate. This can irritate spinal nerves and cause severe back pain, numbness, or weakness.
  • Spinal Misalignment - Small fractures, sprains, or subluxations are often not detected initially but might emerge as back pain later.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries - Strains or tears in muscles, tendons, and ligaments throughout your back commonly occur after crashes. Unfortunately, inflammation and spasms from these injuries lead to localized pain.

Back Pain Treatment with Chiropractic Care

Seeing a chiropractor in Klamath Falls, OR, promptly after an auto accident can help minimize long-term back problems. We can utilize techniques like:

  • Spinal manipulation to help improve alignment and mobility
  • Massage therapy to relax tight muscles
  • Physical therapy exercises to strengthen your back

Get Chiropractic Care and Back Pain Treatment from a Chiropractor Near You for Back Pain Relief

In addition to hands-on adjustments and techniques, we offer advice on improving your posture and home care strategies to help speed your recovery. Don’t wait to seek relief for back pain after an auto accident. Call us at Advanced Chiropractic today to schedule an evaluation with a chiropractor in Klamath Falls, OR. We can help identify any underlying issues and create a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Call us at (541) 273-5433 for chiropractic care and back pain treatment from a chiropractor near you for back pain relief.


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